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Return My Daughters














In the early morning of April 11th, 2018, our two American Citizen daughters were taken from our home without an explanation or a single document, while we were staying at an Airbnb in Quebec City, Canada.  We have not been accused, charged, or indicted for any crimes or wrongdoing.  In fact, the morning the girls were taken from us, both parents were handcuffed and detained for a day, before being released because they could not find any evidence of a crime or wrongdoing - AKA detaining both parents allows for the Quebec Government to take emergency custody of our children.  Ariane was also sexually assaulted by an officer during that raid.


The Quebec Government refuse to give our children back or have a trial for the past 164 days (as of September 21, 2018) and won't hold a trial to prove our innocence until January 4th, 2019 (nearly 9 months of separation without a trial).


That is 9 months of detaining American children in a foreign land with a foreign language - without a trial, all the while, being in direct violation of an order from the Superior Court for the State of California, in regards to jurisdiction.

Where has "innocent until proven guilty" gone? Where is the right to a speedy trial?

What is the difference between separating child at the southern border 


We have tried to get legal aid but we have been denied multiple times because we do not have a permanent address in Quebec, Canada.  Yet, the Quebec Government declares that they have jurisdiction to change the custody of our two young daughters but will decline to provide legal representation due to lack of jurisdiction.


People affiliated with Michael Cohen, Jeremy Piven, and their band of thugs have been associated with these events, acting after making months of threats that they would do so.  The authorities have been involved, multiple investigations have been opened, our Senators and Congressperson are aiding as quickly as they can; but, it is still a slow process, the children's' physical and mental health is degrading, and our resourced have depleted to desperation.


We need your help raising money to pay for a lawyer so we can have representation demanding the Return of My Daughters to their home in America.  Please give what you can today to help reunite this broken family.


UPDATE September 21, 2018:  On September 6th and 20th, the Attorney for the Department of Youth Protection (DYP) held SECRET Hearings, that we were not invited to attend or know about, regarding our children while continuing to refuse to communicate in any form or fashion with us, the parents.  Due to his malicious intent to exclude the parents, he held a secret hearing that determined that the first day of trial will continue to be October 4th, 2018 and the second day of trial will be January 4th, 2019 (3 months delay in between trial days). Have you ever heard of a trial where they place exactly 3 months in between trial days or where the parents are not notified of new unplanned hearings? The answer is no because it has never been so corrupt.


UPDATE July 16, 2018:  In late June 2018, Ariane and Tanner received a special emergency evacuation plan, executed by the US Embassy, Quebec Consulate, and the Department of State in Washington D.C., which relocated them to Los Angeles, California.  From Los Angeles, we have reached out to our Senators Kamala Harris and Dianne Feinstein as well as Representatives Ted Lieu and Adam Schiff.  We are also filing an application against the Government of Canada for violating the Hague Abduction Convention by detaining our two American citizen children in Canada.  The detention of our children, against the will of the children and the parents, is in direct violation of an order from the Superior Court for the State of California that clearly declares that only a Superior Court for the State of California has jurisdiction.  The Government of Canada has been in possession of a copy of the Superior Court for the State of California's order for over 3 months but are refusing to transfer the children back to California.

Emma asking Adam Schiff for Help.
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Sign Our Petition

Thank You to Everyone Helping

Us Get Our Daughters Back Home!

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Can you help us get representation?


We are available 24/7 for questions, suggestions, referrals to professionals, or simple words of encouragement.


We can also be reached directly at:

(424) 285-5181


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