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the Entire Story

Dear United States Senators and Congressional Representatives, and Staff of the Department of Youth Protection (DYP)


I am writing this formal request for the immediate return of my children.  The DYP is unfit to care for my children and there is no reason for the children to be absent from our care.


Statement of Facts

Mother: Ariane Bellamar

Father: Tanner Slaught

Eldest Child: Emma Slaught (9 years old)

Youngest Child: Melitta Slaught (22 months old)

How many times have the children been to the hospital since being detained: 2

Duration children will be detained without a trail:  6 months

Parents representation in court:  none


Neither Ariane nor myself have been accused, charged, or found guilty of committing any crimes or wrongdoings.


March 22, 2018 (20 days before), I mysteriously receive an email from “Bob Gordon” ( with the subject line “Sorry you got your ass kicked lol” and the body stating exactly this "I will keep the pressure on you and your sad mentally sick wife. I am working on getting you both thrown in jail. Especially you Tanner. You're not even supposed to be in Canada. You had your chance to get help but refused. Enjoy the Airbnb while it last because you guys are getting evicted tomorrow night. Good luck Bobby PS call me if you want to work something out we just want your wife to turn herself over to the USA police. 613-525-0128 !”

I still have not been able to figure out how this person knew about my personal email address, which I do not give out and make an effort, to keep confidential.  My harasser knew much more than I could have ever suspected, as many of the claims that could have been affected by an outside source, were affected by outside forces.


April 9th, 2018 (2 days before), the Twitter user, Pamyla Laun, tweets “I think the CPS is stepping in”.  Pamyla Laun is wanted for her involvement in the criminal harassment and planning to set up a fake meeting to trap Ariane Bellamar (which was foiled moments before it could have been executed), which is still an active investigation by Toronto’s Criminal Investigations Bureau.  This woman harassed my family continuously for many years and has had the Police intervened on multiple times for stalking our family, at our home, school, courtrooms, and other public appointments.  She has communicated that she was dating and engaged to, Barry Richard Pettitt, who is wanted by the Canadian Crown Prosecutor for multiple felony charges of fraud against the crown and currently has a Canadian nation-wide arrest warrant from criminally harassing our family.

April 10th, 2018 (1 day before), Pamyla Laun (AKA Pamyla St James AKA Prive the Retreat)publically posted the tweet, “Tanners parents won’t take the kids, her [Ariane] parents will”.  In a response from another chronic harasser of ours tweeting, “I wonder what Tanner will now if the kids are taken away” and “If they send the kids to his [my] parents, I wonder if he will leave Ariane and go with the kids?”.

This week, during a visitation with my children in the observation room, I learned from my eldest child that the DYP was trying to send both of my children to Ariane’s mother.  Ariane’s mother lost custody of Ariane when Child Protective Services in Ontario, Canada determined that Ariane’s mother is an alcoholic who is guilty of so much extreme physical and mental abuse, that Ariane never went back into her mother’s custody.  Ariane’s mother swore revenge against Ariane in saying that she would do the same to Ariane, a young girl at the time, even though Ariane never reported her mother.  Currently, per social media posts, Ariane’s mother supports the ‘Zero tolerance” Immigration Policy currently separating children from their family’s on the Mexico boarder.  So, it is no surprise that Ariane’s mother is supporting the separation of children from parents, even from her own daughter’s family.


Furthering this point, I learned that Ariane’s mother is set to be a witness, testifying against Ariane in the custody battle with the Quebec Government, even though Ariane has held an estranged relationship, at best, and without speaking to her mother for the past 4 years.  I am not sure how that makes Ariane’s mother a credible source for relevant information, but he prosecution seems to think otherwise.


The Department of Youth Services has held my children for 66 continuous days, without making any charges against the mother and/or myself or sitting down with us to explain their train of thought or why they have given us the strictest treatment possible (immediate leisure of children without notice), the only contact is twice a week for 3-hours per visit, in a completely controlled environment with security guard supervision, and the DYP withholds the location of our children.


April 11th, 2018, at around 7 AM unmarked and unidentified, supposed, ‘Police Officers’ kicked in our front and back doors to the temporary housing my family was renting on Airbnb while we made final arrangements to return home in the United States.  The people who kicked in our doors never shouted or identified themselves as police prior to forced entry into our home, they refused to produce a warrant or concise explanation for their actions or to show personal identification because all badges and names were removed from their fatigue attire.  The only person who showed any form of ‘identification’ made an obscenely obvious effort to cover his name on the business card like ID he provided, it was also picture-less and gave us zero identification as to whom this person was.  We still do not know why they did what they did or how they can justify kicking in both doors of our temporary housing arrangement.


For the past 66 days, Ariane and I have struggled with day-to-day life because the absolute loves of our lives were torn away from us.  To make matters worse, the children were stolen from us while Ariane was handcuffed then sexually assaulted by unidentified ‘Police officers', while restrained, and I was ‘arrested' while shouting "Police Brutality” while watching the screams from Ariane.  Ariane and I were both released without any charges being filed, without an arrest record, and as the investigators put it, if I don’t see any evidence of a crime and you say no crime was committed then there is no reason for you to be here.  We have yet to ever receive any documentation from the DYP regarding our children and/or the reason for their actions.  When the children were taking from us without any documentation, Ariane and I grew ill with the thought that our children had been stolen from us and as concerned parents, we followed every lead and called every agency to help find out children.  It took weeks before we could both see our two children for the first time since the incident on April 11th because the United States Consulate General became involved.


April 26, 2018, Ariane and I both sign notarized authorization for the United States Consulate General in Quebec City, Canada to enact Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963 in order to perform welfare and whereabouts inspection on both of our daughters because the DYP refused to cooperate with the demands of the parents and the Government of the United States of America.


Friday, April 27th, 2018, Emma was rushed to the Emergency Room because she was unable to breathe.  She was diagnosed as having an asthma attack and was administered and prescribed two different inhalers. She remained in the hospital for several hours under observation before returning to the foster family’s home.  On Sunday, 2 days later, a DYP representative, who would not identify herself, called our phone to inform us of this major event.  It was later determined in a follow-up doctor’s appointment that Emma is allergic to most pets, especially cats.  The foster family has 3 cats.  After multiple requests from Ariane and I, the DYP has refused to move the children into a home that does not have any animals that Emma is allergic to. Emma’s health condition has not changed, as she has not been able to escape her hazardous environment.


April 30, 2018, the Twitter user, Tom Stokes, brags about having my children taken from us and placed in foster care when he tweeted "OMG! These people are the worst parents ever... I'm the one that begged the Canada authorities to step in and secure the kids to protect them from Ariane Bellamar and Tanner Slaught. They should be arrested and the key thrown away”. 

Followed by a link to a website Tom Stokes has set up in order to harass and discredit Ariane’s statement that Jeremy Piven sexually assaulted her while on the Entourage set, as part of the #MeToo movement.  Global News, TMZ’s Live TV show, and more covered this story.  On the other hand, Tom Stokes has run multiple anti-#MeToo articles such as the one on Entertainment Weekly, later retracted and apologized for, in which Tom Stokes is published as Jeremy Piven’s spokesperson. Currently, Tom Stokes has taken his anti-#MeToo and pro-Jeremy Piven campaign to private websites which include his own website and the website he stole from me,  

Tom Stokes used my website to impersonate me in order to make false statements about Ariane in an effort to discredit her #MeToo contribution.  He was not able to stop Ariane’s contribution as multiple other articles came out from many other women assaulted by Jeremy Piven in publications such as People Magazine.  Additionally, in this anti-Ariane campaign, Tom Stoke supposedly contacted Ariane’s long-estranged mother and performed an audio recording of her in which the two of them publicly make false, misleading, and slanderous remarks about Ariane.  Note that neither of them knows Ariane personally, but both publicly follow her social media accounts.


May 17th, 2018, I went to a visitation appointment to see my children and noticed that Melitta was acting very strangely.  She was also running a very obvious fever with extensive amounts of mucus dripping out of her nose and being expelled through coughing.  I demanded that she immediately see a doctor, why this did not happen before when her symptoms were equally as obvious and bad is still unknown or accounted for.  I later received an email from the DYP stating that Melitta had bronchitis and was prescribed a medication.


Every time I see Emma she always has a deep congested cough, asthma that she never had before being in the DYP’s custody, and Melitta is generally always suffering from a runny nose and a rash on her leg.  No long-term efforts have been made to help improve the children’s health in a sustainable way, only ‘Band-Aids’ and more medications to temporarily fix the children’s health.


Yesterday, during our visitation with the children in our observation box-like room, complete with one was observation glass, I noticed that at nearly 2 years old Melitta’s language development had greatly depressed to the point where she did not say a single audible word in the 3 hours I spent with her.  Before the DYP took our children, Melitta was excelling with a rapidly expanding vocabulary.  Melitta’s philological shock and lack of education from the DYP’s actions have severely stopped her ability to “thrive” and become an educated, English speaking, American citizens, just like the rest of her family.


Furthermore, over the past 66 days, Ariane and I drain every savings we have, pawned every item of value we have, and continue to ask for donations in order to survive.  Due to my immigration status, I am unable to work in any capacity and due to Ariane’s illness; she is unable to hold any steady employment.  Because we have hit rock bottom, we have asked our United States government to loan us money so we can purchase plane tickets back to a home of a family friend in the United States.  From our new beginning in the USA, I have many job offers and opportunities, coupled with the support of a home from a family friend, and the support-net we have from being near our friends, we will be able to thrive, as a family of four.  But holding an American family in a foreign country, where they do not speak the language (Quebec does not require English to be spoken like the rest of Canada does), cannot hold employment, and have no support from family or friends is the recipe for the destruction of each person in a four-member family.


How can this city claim it has the jurisdiction to unanimously decide jurisdiction of foreign children and refuse to provide me with legal aid to defend myself?  If I cannot receive legal aid due to jurisdiction then the City of Quebec does not has jurisdiction to decide custody of my children.  I have been denied twice for Legal Aid in the City of Quebec.  Especially since they have not been able to make a single substantiated claim with evidence against me for the past 66 days that they have held my children against the children’s own will.


Ariane and I have stated in court that we object to every claim made against us by the DYP.  Our children, via their lawyer, have objected to every claim made against us by the DYP.  The last update I learned of was that the DYP was attempting to reassign custody of our children to Ariane’s mother, who lost custody of Ariane due to her alcoholism and physically abusive behaviors, per the Children’s “Aid Society of Ontario, Canada.  This is the level of detail and investigation that the DYP is putting into the decision of custody of our children before we are ever charged with a crime or wrongdoing (none of which exist). The grandmother was last seen in the United States at Ariane’s Television premier, Beverly Hills Nannies, walking around to each table and grabbing the leftover drinks from strangers stable settings.  This report is backed by an incident report filed by the Disney Company producing the television show.


Currently, the DYP has held out children against the will of all parties involved for 66 days, the next court date is not for another 19 days, and a final hearing to decide the outcome of the children is undecided but estimated to be 6 months since the children were taken.  Yes, 6 months of the children being in a foster family, when their godmother has graciously opened her home to them but the DYP refused to send the children there, without a trial.  1/4 of my baby’s life will be spent with a foster family.  I missed her learning to walk because of this and I am tearing up right now just thinking of how much damage has been done to each member of my family.  I will do anything to bring my family back together. Anything, please help me.


6 months without my children & without a trial.

Where is innocent until proven guilty?

Where is the care for the children’s best interest?


I demand that both of my daughters are IMMEDIATELY released back into my custody on or before Tuesday, when the US Government has agreed to loan us money for a plane ticket home to the United States, in order to facilitate my family’s return to the US, which started prior to the children's removal from our home.  Once we are home the local authorities are welcome to our home and to perform any legal activities they require under their mandate. 


We have nothing to hide and welcome the opportunity to prove our innocence.





Tanner Slaught

(469) 305-2919

July 16 Update

UPDATE July 16, 2018:  In late June 2018, Ariane and Tanner received a special emergency evacuation plan, executed by the US Embassy, Quebec Consulate, and the Department of State in Washington D.C., which relocated them to Los Angeles, California.  From Los Angeles, we have reached out to our Senators Kamala Harris and Dianne Feinstein as well as Representatives Ted Lieu and Adam Schiff.  We are also filing an application against the Government of Canada for violating the Hague Abduction Convention by detaining our two American citizen children in Canada.  The detention of our children, against the will of the children and the parents, is in direct violation of an order from the Superior Court for the State of California that clearly declares that only a Superior Court for the State of California has jurisdiction.  The Government of Canada has been in possession of a copy of the Superior Court for the State of California's order for over 3 months but are refusing to transfer the children back to California.


Below is said order from the Superior Court for the State of California.  If you can offer legal assistance or help, please contact us.​

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